The Phillip Lawrence case will not go away.
Now the madness of the Human Rights Act will not allow his killer to be deported,
This is someone from a foreign country who murdered a man dedicated to helping the local community. He shot poor Phillip in cold blood without a thought for his victim, wife or children.
But the law says it is just fine for him to stay here. This flies in the face of what Gordon Brown said only last month. Brown said "If you commit a crime you will be deported". Could this be a politician telling lies by any chance?
The obvious thought is that you cannot trust what Brown says.
The Chindamo lawyer says his client will be able to go out in society and play a full part. Sure.
He will play a full part in living off the taxpayer for who would employ a murderer?
Looks good on his CV do you think?
We all know you and I will pay for him to live for the rest of his life. As far as I can see he has made no effort to do anything whilst in jail. His lawyer says he should not be deported to Italy as he cannot speak Italian.If he is now a good citizen why did he not learn it while in jail instead of sitting there waiting for the tax payer to feed him?
Remember you and I as taxpayers picked up the bill for the murder enquiry.
We picked up the bill for the trial.
We indeed picked up the bill for BOTH sides.
We picked up the bill for his jail sentence so have kept him for the last 12 years.
We picked up the bill for the meetings to deport him.
We will pick up the bill for the pending appeal ( both sides ).
And when he has won we will keep him for the rest of his life.
While inside he will have picked up all the tricks of how to screw the social security for every penny. This is what happens when you mix with other scum bags.
Can a thought be given for the feelings of the widow Frances?
What horror must she be going through? Her life has been ruined by this yob, her children grew up without a dad and still there is no justice. She is reported to be devastated. She has said she cannot survive this any more. Who can blame her?
Where is justice?
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
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And you though this wasn't a caring Country
Lawrence murderer gets new home and identity - while taxpayers foot the bill
By STEVE DOUGHTY - More by this author »
Last updated at 08:04am on 27th August 2007
Comments (6)
The murderer of headmaster Philip Lawrence is set to be given a new identity, a new home and intensive security protection.
Learco Chindamo, the 27-year-old who knifed Mr Lawrence at the gates of his school 12 years ago, will also get the benefit of a Draconian court order to protect his privacy and prevent anyone revealing where he is, officials close to his case believe.
The benefit of a new home and a new start subsidised by the taxpayer is also likely to be extended to his mother Paquita and his brother Wolfgang. The deal would include long-term police protection and probation support.
It could cost up to £1million a year to give Chindamo this type of protection. The Home Office estimates this is the annual cost of protecting the likes of Maxine Carr under a new identity.
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Killer: Learco Chindamo is seeking parole
The new identity at a secret home would put Chindamo into an exclusive band of killers and their associates who have been shifted out of the public's view in the name of protecting their own safety at a cost of millions.
It would also provoke fresh public outrage over the treatment of Chindamo, who last week escaped deportation to his native Italy after a tribunal said that removing him from the country would breach his human rights and break EU laws.
Mr Lawrence's widow Frances criticised the laws that mean his killer cannot be deported.
She said last week: "Chindamo went beyond the law and the Human Rights Act, taking away the most fundamental right of all, my husband's right to life.
Victim: Philip Lawrence
"But then he was allowed to pick and choose from it to help him continue his life the way he wants it."
Chindamo has applied for parole and may be released from prison as early as January. Home Office concern at possible vigilante or revenge attacks was revealed in a paper submitted to the tribunal that turned down his deportation.
Officials said in it: "Risk factors might increase because of media and public scrutiny that the appellant might receive. He would need to be excluded from certain parts of the country, community integration would be a problem on release, and he might suffer a backlash."
Chindamo is thought likely to benefit from a 'Mary Bell' order banning anyone from revealing his whereabouts. The legal device is named after the ten-year-old who murdered two boys in 1968 and was later given legal protection in a new identity.
Similar new identities were given to the killers of toddler James Bulger, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables. Maxine Carr, girlfriend of Soham killer Ian Huntley, also has full identity protection.
Any Government decision to give Chindamo a new identity would be likely to be followed by a court application on his behalf for an order banning the media from disclosing anything about him.
Such an order could prove embarrassing if the confidence of prison officials that Chindamo is a reformed character proves to be misplaced and he commits further crimes.
Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said ministers had shown incompetence in the case. "If the Government had won a successful deportation order, the cost would be a fraction of this massive expenditure," he said.
Thanks Steve Doughty.
I sometimes feel I am the only person that wants justice.
Nice to know there are two of us!
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