Saturday, 30 June 2007


What brave guys these are.
The guys that went into the London bombing car to take out the mobile phone before it could set off the bomb.
The car was packed with 60 litres of petrol, nails and gas cannisters and would have made one hell of a mess of anyone within 400 yards let alone of anyone inside the car.
The police are searching for the scum bags that did this, lets hope these bums burn in hell.
In the meantime how about an award for the bomb squad that did this great deed.
A knighthood would be great for the man that went into the car.
In an age of people getting a knighthood for singing and being on the TV as they line their own pocket this would bring us back to the real world.
It may make multimillionaires like Elton John, Tom Jones or Cliff Richard feel ashamed. To be in the same thought as these brave and wonderful people would make any decent person feel humble.

1 comment:

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