Wednesday, 30 May 2007


I see that teachers are asking for a 10% rise!!!
At least they have a really good sense of humour.
I too could use a 10% rise but not being employed by the taxpayer it does not seem likley.
And I would not have the cheek even to ask.
Are these the people that complain when their council tax rises by 5%?
Are these the people that finish at 3.30pm?
( They will tell you they work out of hours-dosen't everyone?)
Are these the people that have 3 months paid holiday?
Are these the people that are on holiday NOW?
Are these the people that have so much time on their hands they take part time jobs?
Are these the people on £30,000 min of taxpayers money?
Are these the people that have so much time on their hands they can go to meetings to talk about the 10% while the taxpayers work to keep them?
I do not want to pay you any more and you will not get it.
However how about this for a good idea--go to work in the private sector.
See how many hours you work.
See how many holidays you get.
See what you are told when you ask for 10%.
But the big question is would you last long enough to get your first holiday?
Me thinks not me does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dead right.
When will the government have the guts to get these people to work real hours?