Friday, 30 March 2007


Poor old Steve McClaren is getting somr right stick from the England supporters and press just because he has so far failed in his job.
Personal abuse given to him during the Andorra game was a bit over the top perhaps but hang on a minute here.
McClaren is screwing millions out of the game. And who puts those millions in? Why the supporters of course.
Football is a very expensive sport to watch and the reason is because people like McClaren take so much out of the other end. Now no one seems to mind this when these people are doing their job (ie winning). But when they fail to do their job (ie fail to win) the people putting all this money in should have a right to voice their opinion.
McClaren is saying he will not leave the job. He has no intention of leaving the gravy train while the FA are still lining his pocket. Fair enough--he has a contract that Tosser Barwick gave him after all.
But he knows what to expect if he continues to fail.
So Steve try giving us a half decent performance for once or do not complain about people telling you that you are crap.
You cannot have the millions, be crap and have folk tell you are wonderful. Life is just not like that.


Anonymous said...

You seem to have a recurring theme to your comments; and that is that you resent people who make a lot of money out of being a failure. Surely all these people are entitled to earn a living? I am sure they all try their best and feel very guilty when they collect their massive pay packets after doing their job so poorly. I hear that Steve McLaren, along with Terry Wogan and all the England footbal squad, wanted to contribute half their salaries to charity after they do not do well. (failure is such a cruel word against sensitive people who really do care, don't you think?)But according to The Daily Mail, Mr Blair didn't think it was a good idea as he would have to contribute all his salary as he is the biggest failure of the lot.

thewholetruth said...

Thank you for your comment.
I feel terrible now about complaining that people get money for nothing.
Ofcourse you are correct, we should all get money for nothing.
Bloody hell I forgot, most of the scroungers do already.